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A Message From Our Music Director
Dear Parents, Welcome to Forest Park Elementary, my name is Kelly Keck and I will be your child’s music teacher this year. This will be...

This Monday 8am - PTA General Meeting!
Don't forget to attend our first PTA meeting of the year. And if you're worried you'll miss the Spirit Shop's last day to order class-of...

UPDATE: We've moved the deadline to FRIDAY, Sept 1! There are only a few days left to put your order in for a CLASS OF SHIRT or our new...

The Fall Box Tops Drive has begun!
Get in gear and help Forest Park raise $2500! Fall Submission Deadline: Friday October 27th Box Tops for the Fall Drive can be submitted...

Here's to the 1st Spirit Day of the Year!
Congrats to school staff, students and parents for a successful first week back to school! Break out your Spirit Day T-shirts today and...
First Day of School Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Fellow Rangers, Welcome back to a new school year. I am excited about all the wonderful things that will take place this...

Southern Supper at the Park
Please join us at the inaugural Southern Supper at the Park (formerly Spaghetti Supper), in conjunction with LRSD's open house, on...

Friday, Aug 11th 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Tuesday, Aug 15th before and after school Friday, Aug 18th before and after school We are starting...

Moms and Muffins
Join us at the home of Stephanie Bynum, at 2915 N Grant Street, for a fun morning of muffins and merriment! Come as you are and enjoy a...
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