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Dine for Forest Park This Monday Night
This Monday night is Spirit Night at Cantina Laredo in Midtown Little Rock, and WE NEED YOU! If Forest Park wrangles 150 diners, Cantina...

Hit the Halfway Mark to the Little Rockers Marathon!
Are you a Little Rockers Marathoner? Forest Park has set a date for students and their families to celebrate the "Halfway There" mile...

Register for the Little Rockers Kids Marathon by February 15
Attention Students: It's time to lace up... You have six weeks left to make a marathon happen! It's easier than you think, and it's not...

Rangers Rock the Spelling Bee!
Congratulations to Lucy Coon who made it to the 12th round at the Pulaski County Spelling Bee. We are so proud of you Lucy! Forest Park's...

In case of inclement weather...
Something Snow-Mazing is being sent home with Forest Park students. Keep it in a safe place in case of snow. And, don't wait for the...
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