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While Supplies Last: Children's Theatre Tickets
Courtesy of Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield! Pick up free tickets while supplies last from local ArkansasBlue stores, for a special...

Dine for Forest Park This Monday Night
This Monday night is Spirit Night at Cantina Laredo in Midtown Little Rock, and WE NEED YOU! If Forest Park wrangles 150 diners, Cantina...

Hit the Halfway Mark to the Little Rockers Marathon!
Are you a Little Rockers Marathoner? Forest Park has set a date for students and their families to celebrate the "Halfway There" mile...

Register for the Little Rockers Kids Marathon by February 15
Attention Students: It's time to lace up... You have six weeks left to make a marathon happen! It's easier than you think, and it's not...

In case of inclement weather...
Something Snow-Mazing is being sent home with Forest Park students. Keep it in a safe place in case of snow. And, don't wait for the...

Fall Box Tops Drive Raises over $1200
Thank you to everyone who collected and turned in Box Tops! Our goal this semester was to collect 12,500 Box Tops ($1250), and we hit...

Now's Your Chance to Be a Volunteer Reader
On November 14, we will celebrate 2017 Jane Mendel Reading day across LRSD. Please make plans to come and read to a class for 20-30...

Student Council Underwear Drive
Be a Superhero! We need your help! Forest Park Elementary is collecting new underwear (sizes 2T - 12/14) for the children living at Our...

This Friday: Bring in those Box Tops, Get Ready for a Pumpkin Bonanza!
Attention Rangers: The Box Tops Fall Collection Deadline is this Friday. We have had a great season, lets finish this collection...

Our Biggest Fundraiser is Underway
The Forest Park Fun Run is just around the corner, which means our largest fundraiser of the year is off and running. We are looking to...
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