Letter From Our PTA President

As I helped direct traffic this morning and afternoon, I was left with such an overwhelming feeling of, well, “warm fuzzies”. Despite the rain, I saw only smiling, joyful faces. It was fun to see familiar faces as well as some new ones. Even on a yucky, rainy day, this is one happy place. I am so deeply proud to be a part of such an extraordinary school.
Research has overwhelming proved that kids do better when parents are involved. I urge you all to join me in being a part of Forest Park’s PTA. Stay informed by attending our meetings. Volunteer for events. Come help our wonderful new Spanish teacher in a classroom. Tutor a child. Bring a snack for the monthly staff meeting. Help out in our ROOTS Garden Center. There are SO MANY ways to join in. It’s important to Forest Park, but most importantly, it means a whole lot to these kids.
I am thrilled to introduce you to our new Spanish teacher, Mrs. Nitzia David. Mrs. David is originally from Mexico. She has lived in Arkansas for over 15 years. She is married to an Arkansan and has one daughter and one son. She is a very special person and I know everyone will adore her. She will teacher Spanish on Mondays and Thursdays. Every class will have a Spanish lesson once a week. This is a PTA funded program. Mrs. David will start teaching August 22. I hope you will all join me in giving her a warm welcome!
I look forward to seeing your faces at our August 29th PTA meeting. Every meeting gives you a chance to ask questions, make suggestions, meet and talk with other parents and hear important information on what is happening at Forest Park. It’s also where your voice can be heard by voting on how PTA funds are spent. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
It is going to be a great year!
Respectfully yours, Anne Tedford Forest Park PTA President