Principal's Message, August 2016

Dear Parents,
Welcome to all new and returning families. Forest Park is an exceptional place to learn and grow. We rank as the number # 1 elementary school in the state of Arkansas and #2 out of 1,049 schools which includes middle and high schools. Our dedication to serve students is the foundation of our success.
Over the summer, LRSD has supported many of the physical improvements including new paint throughout the building, new carpet in the library, new counter tops in the office and teachers' lounge, plus additional climbing-playground equipment.
Another great addition is the partnership between the PTA and the school to purchase Chromebooks for all 3rd -5th grade students to use in class.
Please read the Student Handbook located in the front of the Agenda Book outlining important information regarding policy, calendar, traffic flow chart, phone numbers, and other expectations for an effective operation of our great school. We will send home a separate copy with the Pre-K and Kindergarten students. Please sign and check your child's agenda book each evening and follow along with the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People."
These first two weeks are critical to establish routines and procedures with students, we ask that parents please wait two weeks before visiting to eat lunch with your children. Your support is valuable to us as we work together for each students' success.
Live the legacy with us as we continue the tradition of excellence and experience all Forest Park has to go offer. We will make fond memories that will last a life time. -- Theresa Ketcher