Help us kick the Spring Collection Drive into OVER drive!

Start earning Bonus Box Tops with the new Bonus Box Tops App! Download from the App Store or Google Play. Click here to learn how the App works.
Clip, Save, Send!
Buy any of these participating products
Attach clippings to a Collection Sheet and/or
Send to school in a baggie (with child's name and teacher name, plus Box Tops count)
Ask family, friends and co-workers to clip for your child too!
Earn EASY with eBoxTops & Bonus Box Tops!
EASY way to earn (100 to 400) eBoxTops @ SAM'S CLUB! - THIS OFFER IS BACK UNTIL 3/31/17!
Earn 100 eBoxTops for every (3) participating Box Tops products purchased in the same transaction
Click here for more details (You will be asked sign in or set up a Box Tops account if you don't already have one)
You will need to submit the receipt by email, mail it in or just give it to a coordinator.
PLUS, earn (100) Bonus Box Tops by purchasing (3) General Mills Products @ SAM'S CLUB and submitting the receipt on the Bonus Box Top App - THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL 1/31/17!
Finish Product Purchase to earn (20) eBoxTops - (Purchase (2) products at any store; Will need to submit receipt by email or give to a coordinator)
Lysol Product Purchase to earn (20) eBoxTops - (Purchase (2) products at any store; Will need to submit a receipt by email or give to a coordinator)
Like taking chances? Click here to put an entry into the current SWEEPSTAKES being offered.
Box Tops Collection Schedule
Week of October 24: Fall Collection Week (last collection day to count toward Fall prizes - Friday October 28th)
Week of November 7: Recognize Top Fall Collectors
Week of February 20: Spring Collection Week (last collection day to count toward Spring prizes - Friday February 24th)
REMEMBER! Send a screen shot of your activity that shows eBoxTops and Bonus BoxTops earned for your child.
Week of March 6: Recognize Top Spring Collectors
Fun Prizes for Top Collectors
TOP Fall Collecting Class: Ms. Riley's - 3rd Grade - 1085 Box Tops Collected!
Each student in the class received (2) $5 Game Coupons from Playtime Pizza!
TOP Fall Collector by Grade:
Each student will received a free one-hour jump pass to Altitude Trampoline Park!
PK - Carter Pace (Corry)
K - Madelyn Hamra (Gwin)
1st - Blaire Gradney (Sears)
2nd - Sally Coon (McDiarmid)
3rd - Raelyn Hickey (Riley)
4th - Griffin Paulson (Glover)
5th - Joie Willoughby (McKay)
The TOP Collector in each class received a free kid's meal coupon for All Aboard Restaurant. Each student who submitted (25) BoxTops received a Free Dress Day pass.
Contact the Coordinators
Your Box Tops Coordinators for 2016-2017 school year are:
Crystal Amos (; (404) 539-2547
Elizabeth Grotte (; (501) 804-1330