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First Day of School Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Fellow Rangers,

Welcome back to a new school year. I am excited about all the wonderful things that will take place this year. We have been diligently preparing for students and working to be the very best.

Today, we had a Ranger Rodeo / Opening Assembly and introduced the new Rangers in town who are: Ms. Lupe Pena De Martinez, Assistant Principal; Ms. Mary Mendelsohn, Secretary; Ms. Deeni Sterling, Speech Therapist; Ms. Madeline Pitcock, Kindergarten Teacher; and Ms. Samantha Davis, First Grade Teacher. We set the stage for our school year using skits and props to focus on attendance, preparation, following directions, treating others the way we want to be treated and of course setting high academic achievement goals. The importance of using the Agenda book was stressed and knowing information about our school which is included in the front pages. Please follow along with us each week the character components as we build and value good citizenship. The Agenda books will be sent home this week.

Our faculty and staff have instituted the practice of asking parents to wait until after the first two weeks of school before visiting to eat lunch with your children. These first few days of establishing the routines and procedures help us to set a positive tone with a high expectation mindset. Your support is valuable to us as we work together for each student's success. PTA Membership is $10.00. Please join by this Friday for your child to receive a special treat from the PTA organizations. Thank you.

We will continue the legacy and traditions of excellence as we make fond memories on our journey together.


Theresa Courtney-Ketcher, Principal

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