A Message From Our Music Director
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Forest Park Elementary, my name is Kelly Keck and I will be your child’s music teacher this year. This will be my 38th year of teaching music, year seventeen at the elementary level, and I still believe I have one of the most amazing teaching gigs ever! Who else gets to explore music with kids, i.e. teach piano, have a drum circle, perform folk dances, put on plays, take kids on field trips to the Arkansas Symphony, the Rep, and Clinton Library and hear 70+ fifth graders discover recorder and how to play HOT CROSS BUNS!!!

Students are graded on participation, effort and skill level development as stated by the Arkansas Department of Education. Rubrics are used to assess the students not only in performance but also in regards to their conduct and respect to one another in class.
Below are some events for the first semester. Please contact me via school mail if you have questions or concerns. I am looking forward to an exciting and fun filled year in music.
Christopher Kelly Keck