Our Biggest Fundraiser is Underway
The Forest Park Fun Run is just around the corner, which means our largest fundraiser of the year is off and running. We are looking to raise $40,000 overall, with our individual student goal set at $100.

REGISTER TODAY! Fall Break will be here this Friday and Monday, so we are Calling All Rangers to register today at TheGetMovincrew.com and help us in reaching our fundraising goal. Once you've registered, you can email your child's link and use social media to share with family and friends. While online pledges give automatic updates to your child’s personal fundraising page, cash, checks and Venmo payments are also welcome. Please send checks payable to Forest Park PTA in an envelope marked with your child’s name and Fun Run. Venmo payments can be sent to our school account, @ForestPark. Please put your child’s name and Fun Run in the Venmo memo section. These payments will then be added to your child’s fundraising page.
Individual students and their classrooms win prizes and awards for meeting and topping their fundraising goals - read all the details and incentives on this year's Fun Run flyer. And check out our school page HERE to track progress towards our goal!