Safety Letter from Mrs. Ketcher

Dear Parents, Forest Park students' safety is foremost in our minds each day. Please know we take safety precautions seriously. The following practices are implemented and documented with the Little Rock School District as required by the Arkansas Department of Education: * Safety Security Training and Refresher Training each year * School and Classroom doors locked and remain locked throughout the day; the office has a screen monitor to recognize visitors before entry * LRSD Mobile Security Officers monitor Forest Park campus outside and inside minimum 2 or more times a day * Surveillance Cameras throughout the building: Hallways; Cafeteria; and Playground * LRPD Community Officer visits school and classrooms twice a month * Administration, faculty and staff conduct monthly Safety Drills: Fire; Tornado; and Intruder * Lead Administrators and Nurse have access to a PANIC App The Forest Park Elementary community is an active and vital part of our beloved school. We require all parents and visitors to sign in upon entering the school building through the office and ask parents to leave items for students to pick up in the office. There are instances when we have a volunteer Parent or Grandparent Ranger that greet guests and open the door. Our school has a visibility plan for before and after school that staff and students follow which is part of our daily schedule. We are dedicated to serving children. As part of school organizational supervision, we will continue to remain vigilant for our students and school community. Your continued support is very much appreciated. Thank you . Respectfully, Theresa Courtney-Ketcher, Principal