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Back To School To-Do List

Parents, Get in gear for a great year! Here's a cheat sheet of some important to-do items you don't want to forget before school starts.

Get Your Students Ready

  • If you did not Check-In online in the spring, go to to register by August 2. (User ID is your student's ID number mailed to you by LRSD; Password is DOB (MM/DD/YYYY))

  • Student Immunization Records must be turned in to Forest Park. Pre-K students MUST turn in their records before August 13, or they may not attend school!

  • Have Student school supplies ready for the first day of school on August 13!

Also get ready for the bus, carpool, uniforms, lunch money, after school CARE, and more by checking out our PARENTS' QUICK LINKS page. Bookmark it or make it your homepage! There you will see our newsworthy blog posts and find easy links for all your school year tools.

Subscribe to the E-Blast

Sign up from THIS PAGE to receive our weekly newsletter with all the details you need about happenings around the school.

Mark Your Calendars

Ranger Week:

Friday, Aug 10th 1:30 pm-2:30 pm Tuesday, Aug 14th after school Thursday, Aug 16th after school

Ranger Week is our SPIRIT WEEK and will help families check off some important beginning-of-the-year "to do list" items. Ranger Week is the time to pay PTA dues, order/purchase items from Spirit Shop and Pass the Plaid, pre-order your yearbook, pay your $100 5th grade camp deposit, and more! Ranger Week ends on Friday, August 17th with a celebratory Ranger Recess complete with popsicles and fun; all Rangers who have paid their PTA dues will be able to participate in this bonus recess! *1st through 5th graders - no need to worry about purchasing agenda books during Ranger Week; this will be handled by the teachers this year. Spirit Shop items available for purchase will include: spirit shirts, Forest Park swag and more!

Pass the Plaid is our school's resale shop and offers gently used uniforms available for purchase.

Fifth Grade Space Camp:

The first MANDATORY meeting will be Wednesday AUGUST 29TH @ 6:30.

Carpool Etiquette Please refer to our Traffic Flow Guidelines to plan your route to and from pick-up and drop-off areas. Please forward to all spouses, grandparents and significant others that will be participating in our carpool. Forest Park PTA appreciates your cooperation.

Click HERE for our traffic flow and parking guidelines.

Do not use mobile devices while driving in the school zone!

Join the PTA!

You can purchase your membership here. Check out our GET INVOLVED page for PTA meeting calendars, volunteer needs and other ways to be a part of the Forest Park community.

Don't forget to link your Kroger card to Forest Park!

Register online at

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